New Year, New Me

     A year has passed by and we made so much memories to go back with but we also failed to improve or change ourselves and others. We made something good and we also did something bad. So this is the time that we change and improve ourselves for a new us.
     Last year, I failed so many times. I failed to make myself be better. I failed to make myself be worthy enough in other things. It is always a tough year for me but a year has come and it is an opportunity for me to make a new version of me. All the problems that I faced in the past year is just all challenges to make me a better and stronger person. It is good to fell the pain so that you will know what to do next time.
    Several people may face many challenges in life that they need to change in order to be better. I want to improve myself and be better to always look on the positive side of me. We are not contented in ourselves, so, that we perform some changes to call the attention of those people we interact with. We don't need to change for other people, but we commit to changefor our own betterment. 
